My heart, my love, my life

My heart, my love, my life

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Almost 4 am-

This is Day 2 of no sleep. Medicine does funny things to your body.... I have lists a mile long in my head of all that needs to be accomplished in a short amount of time. Too short- yet 11 days too long.... I have watched the videos others have posted on their blogs of their gotcha day and I cannot wait to have ours... Every one that I watch reminds me of this precious journey all who have adopted have ventured on... It brings tears of joy to my eyes just to think of it. The journey has been long but not so long in light of eternity- or really in just the reality of bringing them home. Being pregnant was somewhat like this- you wait forever and ever it seems and then when it is just around the corner there is seemingly too much to do- but once they are home and in your arms- the wait seems to slip from your memory... Hmmmm- the miracles of God. I know I should be sleeping- but I lay there and am literally almost wide awake.... I have a thousand 'wonders' on my brain... I also realized tonight- that our house is sold and we have yet to well---- we are waiting on the Lord to provide what we need. I am counting down the days until our family is all together and eating together at my table which has been missing 2 Pavatt's since the day we bought it :-) I laugh at the thought because God knew and somewhere in my heart so did I- I just didn't think it would be like this and I am so thankful that it is... I asked Jared tonight again (because I kept him awake to talk to me until 2:30) if he ever thought he would be a dad to 6- he chuckled and said, "I never thought I would be a dad to 4 but I am and it is awesome!" He is a great daddy- and an amazing husband. I am thankful that we get to be on this journey called life together.

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