My heart, my love, my life

My heart, my love, my life

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some about Ethiopia

I cannot open my email to check it but I was able to send one out today to a dear sister in Christ- I am sorry that I couldn't attach the pictures. I will have my sweet hubby try to fix it later today. We are piled up watching football and waiting to leave to go to Austin's football game and then we are going to some friends' house who are from Ethiopia and we get to eat traditional food. yeah!!! I know my older "homemade" (thanks for the term Kimmie:-) children won't be excited but Muluken and Gifte and Jared and I are. It will be a time of good fellowship and some familar language for Muluken and Gifte!!! As I was looking through the pictures we took on our trip, I don't even know where to start.... I need a bit more time and I will sit down and dialogue our trip and going through the pictures. I won't be able to post many of the pictures because they are full of children's faces, several of them have homes, but many of them do not.... The country is beautiful and the people seem to really take pride in their work. It was amazing to see people plowing with mules and not tractors- how much we take for granted....


MaryKay said...

I cannot wait to see the pics from your trip.

MaryKay said...

What a beautiful family! That will be me some day soon. For now I will marvel at what God provided for you! What an awesome God we serve!

Kimmie said...

Yeah! God gave you some time...yeah. I love seeing your journey in pictures and words. I am going to pray that God gives you more time...because you can eventually get a blog printed out to be an actual journal...what a wonderful gift that will be for all of your children.

And though you don't have the cash or vision for how you can find time to do this...just know that it will be so worth it in future times.

And Krista you are beautiful, really.

big hug;
mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted